Tournament registration form
Registration form

For WNBF Ukraine or any WNBF affiliate members

One division

Two divisions

For those who are NOT WNBF Ukraine or any WNBF affiliate member

One division

Two divisions


WNBF Ukraine or any WNBF affiliate member:

The cost of participation in tournament in ONE division for WNBF Ukraine or any WNBF affiliate members is UAH 4000 (until September 15!):

You can choose no more than TWO divisions to compete:

Non-affiliate athletes (if you don’t have WNBF Ukraine or any WNBF affiliate membership)

The cost of participation in tournament in ONE divison for non-affiliate athletes is UAH 5200 (until September 15!):

USING of your own tan is PROHIBITED!

Tanning team provides the professional tanning service for sportsmen at the competitions.

The process of the tan application is performed in the specifically designed cabins so men and women are tanned separately.

Tanning team consists of men and women providing separate tanning service for contestants.

The price for tanning is fixed for all categories – 1500 UAH

Terms and conditions

To take part in competitions, attend meetings and events of WNBF Ukraine, you must become a member of the federation and pay an annual membership fee – 1200 UAH

Membership and entrance fees are non-refundable.

When registering for age-restricted categories, confirmation of the participant’s age is required (availability of an official document)

If you made a mistake in your form or need to change your information, please contact us here.


You can request a refund if no more than 48 hours have passed since payment.

If more than 48 hours have passed since payment and if you were unable to attend the event, the funds will not be refunded. The funds are returned to the payer’s bank card in accordance with the rules of the bank that issued the card.