Figure Judging Criteria



A Junior athlete will be under 23. Athletes who are 23 years or older on the day of the competition are not eligible to compete in the junior class.


A Novice is an athlete who has never placed in the top 3 of a competition in any previous season.
Your status as a novice lasts the duration of a season. Athletes who have won a regional, national title, or competed internationally as a masters, bikini, fit body or bodybuilding competitor is not eligible to be considered a novice.


This is the open figure class. The division may be split into short and tall classes depending on the number of competitors. The division will be split as follows:

Примітка: Розподіл ростових категорій може змінюватись згідно попередньої реєстрації атлетів на змаганнях.


Athletes over the age of 40 are eligible for the Masters Figure. Where there are more than 15 entries the division may be divided into two classes based on height.


Figure is judged equally on symmetry, muscle tone and stage presence (to include posing and the stage walk). Judges will be looking at balance and proportion (e.g., between upper and lower body). Figures should be symmetrically balanced; upper or lower body should not overpower the other; no one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique. Competitors must also show good muscle tone, leanness and muscle development is expected.

The Figure division will be suitable for athletes who are larger framed and more heavily muscled than Bikini athletes, and slightly harder and leaner but WITHOUT the detail and conditioning of Fit Body or Size of Bodybuilding. The athlete featured is a good example of what the judges will be looking for.

The three rounds judged are:

1. Symmetry

Encompasses the overall proportions, and symmetry from the top to bottom and front and side of the physique.

2. Muscle Tone

Overall muscle size, and conditioning is assessed in this round.

3. I-Walk

Stage presentation is considered in this round, as is the athletes ability to display their strengths and hide their weaknesses.

Figure is judged equally on symmetry, muscle tone and stage presence (to include posing and the stage walk). Judges will be looking at balance and proportion (e.g., between upper and lower body). Figures should be symmetrically balanced; upper or lower body should not overpower the other; no one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique. Competitors must also show good muscle tone, leanness and muscle development is expected.

The Figure division will be suitable for athletes who are larger framed and more heavily muscled than Bikini athletes, and slightly harder and leaner but WITHOUT the detail and conditioning of Fit Body or Size of Bodybuilding.


Competitions may take place as either a “Run Through” (Athletes appear on stage once and all rounds are judged) or “Pre-Judge and Evening” format (Athletes appear on stage twice and are judged on two separate occasions, morning and evening). Athletes should follow the competition attire rules specified below depending on the show format.


For prejudging competitors must wear a plain colour two-piece crossed back posing suit without decoration. Please follow the rules on heels and jewellery below for the prejudging.


Two piece crossed back posing suits may be coloured and patterned as you wish and adorned with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins, etc. for added e ect.

High-heeled shoes are required. Height of the heel is at the discretion of the competitor however without an excessive platform (no more than 1cm inch), the WNBF Ukraine prefers a no platform classical heel. So the ball of the foot and toes are flush or close to flush with the floor. A good example of these can be found below.

Jewellery is permitted; body jewellery (piercing) is allowed, so long as it is not o ensive. Other jewellery (earrings, necklace, bracelets) may be worn, but should not obscure the physique or be in poor taste.

For both the Prejudge and the evening show OR runthrough shows – Two-piece crossed back posing suits must be in good taste; thongs are not allowed.

1. У категорії “Фігура” атлети використовують ПЕРЕХРЕСНИЙ купальник з двох частин (топ і низ). Купальник повинен бути непрозорим.

2.Колір, матеріал, текстура, прикраси на купальнику та його стиль залишаються за вибором учасника (за винятком правил, які вказані у наступних пунктах).
3.Максимально допустима висота підошви взуття – 1 см. Максимально допустима довжина підборів – 12 см.

4.Нижня частина купальника повинна закривати мінімум 1/3 площі сідниць і всю фронтальну область. Купальники-стринги категорично заборонені.


Athletes should listen to the commands of the head judge. The head judge will ask for call outs and poses specified in the division criteria. Athletes should familiarise themselves with their number as this is how the judges will identify you.

Round #1 – SYMMETRY

Competitors will perform mandatory quarter turns; judges will compare competitors against each other. Judges will be looking at balance and proportion (e.g., between upper and lower body, and sides). Figure athletes should be symmetrically balanced; upper or lower body should not overpower the other; no one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique.

Round #2 – MUSCLE TONE

Competitors must show good muscle tone. Leanness and muscle development is expected; however, competitors should NOT exhibit as much conditioning and muscle mass/size as presented in Fit Body or bodybuilding.

Mandatory Quarter turns for Symmetry and Muscle Tone rounds.

Front Relaxed

  • Heels must be together and in line, without either foot ahead of the
  • Hips MUST face the judges and arms must remain to the sides (although they shouldn’t touch the sides or be exaggerated spread wide)
  • Lats should be open/flared to show a nice V-Taper
  • Toes must face the judges, but competitors can angle their toes out slightly if it helps to accentuate their quad presentation


Side Pose From the front pose, competitors execute a 1⁄4 turn to the right and adjust stance

  • Upper body turned toward the judges so the rear shoulder can be
  • Hips must face side of the stage
  • Eyes must face side of the stage
  • Toes must face the side of the stage with both feet flat. The feet can be o set only half the distance of the foot (front or back foot o set)
  • Long hair should be pushed back behind the front shoulder so it doesn’t obscure view
  • Front and rear hands should hang freely with palms toward the body



Rear Pose – From the side pose, competitors execute a 1⁄4 turn to the right and face the curtain or rear of the stage

  • Both feet must be together or very close
  • Toes must face the rear, but competitors can angle their toes out slightly if it helps to accentuate their leg presentation


  • Feet cannot be o set to any degree (i.e., one in front of the other)
  • Competitors should brush their hair to one side so their back can be seen
  • Arms must be at the sides with the hands hanging freely- palms toward the body
  • Lats are spread wide to show upper body symmetry
Round #3 – STAGE I WALK

The Stage I Walk is the competitor’s opportunity to show grace, poise and confidence. Competitors should execute the I-walk in a tasteful, confident manner. Over exaggerated posing or performance outside the figure division (bodybuilding poses, gymnastic moves, etc.) are not allowed.


  • 30 seconds is the time allocated for the I walk
  • The I walk will be done to generic promoter music
  • The I walk will consist of a pose at the rear center stage and a walk to center front. The competitor will present their 4 quarter turns and exit stage Please see below for a diagram.
  • Poses should not be held for more than 3 seconds each, and the entire individual presentation should be completed in 30
  • Overall stage presence – judges will assess competitor’s ability to confidently and seamlessly execute quarter turns within a stage walk