On January 1, 2021, for the first time in the history of our state, the Federation of Natural Bodybuilding of Ukraine was founded! This is the official representative of the World Federation of Natural Bodybuilding WNBF – World Natural Bodybuilding Federation
The oldest, most respected, and stringently tested Truly Natural drug free bodybuilding and physique organization since 1989!
Керівний склад WNBF Ukraine
WNBF Ukraine President
WNBF Ukraine Vice President
The story of foundation
My name is David Birger, I was born and continue to live in Lviv, Ukraine. I am a huge fan of natural bodybuilding and have been for several years. My sports career began 17 years ago when my father introduced me to kickboxing. I was also very involved in soccer, water polo, and rugby as a young boy. At the age of 15, when I was playing rugby, I started to get interested in strength development and added basic upper body exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups and dips. The love for this type of training laid the foundation for my bodybuilding career.
I competed for the very first time in the “Mister Perfect” bodybuilding championships in 2018. I met Rostislav Psheminskiy during the sport meeting. Rostislav is the owner of the Mister Perfect brand and the founder of the tournament. After placing 3rd in my class, I began to focus to train even harder and I became the champion of Ukraine, won the overall at the 2019 and 2020 Mr. Perfect and best posing awards.

My ongoing friendship with Rostislav became stronger, and we began talking about starting our own natural federation in Ukraine. At this very time, I also began following the best natural bodybuilders all of which are professionals in the WNBF, the largest and most authoritative federation of all. This was my new lifetime goal; to become a WNBF Pro. Fate would have it that very soon after, myself and Bob Bell WNBF Vice President, would meet online and set up what became a very historic conversation for Rostislav and myself. We were extended the opportunity to create WNBF Ukraine, the first natural bodybuilding organization in Ukraine’s sports history!
We are actively developing natural bodybuilding in our country and will provide a platform of doping control for athletes from around the world. I am sure that natural bodybuilding has a bright future because it is based on a healthy, aesthetic, proportional body and natural appearance. If we recall the history of sports, bodybuilding was natural from the beginning. In my opinion, we should move persistently, not listen to naysayers, develop our own vision, and establish our own criteria for the ideal of bodybuilding. Ukraine is a country with great development potential. We have every opportunity to create a quality platform for natural bodybuilding and lay a foundation for the development of natural athletes. We are sure that this sport will dominate in the future, and for this, we will demonstrate our desire and hard work.
“Bodybuilding is the art of feeling a harmonious physique. Achieving one’s own peak of perfection by forming a comprehensive vision and realizing it in the material world” (c) David Birger