Men’s Physique
Judging Criteria
Men’s Physique Classes
A teen is an athlete who is no older than 19 on the day of the finals. Competitors who are older than 19 on the day of the finals are not eligible to compete in the teen class.
A Junior athlete will be under 23. Athletes who are 23 years or older on the day of the competition are not eligible to compete in the junior class.
A First Timer is an athlete who has NEVER competed in any federation, any division or any class before.
A Novice is an athlete who has never placed in the top 3 of a competition in any previous season.
Your status as a novice lasts the duration of a season. Athletes who have won a regional, national title, or competed internationally as a teen, junior, masters or men’s physique competitor are not eligible to be considered a novice.
This is the open Men’s Physique. Where there are more than 15 entries the physique division may be divided into height classes as follows:
- Short: under 175 cm tall
- Tall: Over 1745cm tall
Judges are looking for a lean, fit, muscular physique that is balanced and aesthetically pleasing. Athletes should be groomed properly, possess a pleasing muscle shape, good v-taper (highlighted by relatively wide shoulders and a small waist) and a well-developed mid-section are prominent in the judges’ criteria. Judges are not looking for the level of muscle mass or extreme leanness that are necessary for success in bodybuilding.
Round shoulders, defined abs, soft lines in legs, and tight glutes
Over lean, muscular, or hard or vascular physiques will be scored down
The overall appearance of the athlete. Stage presentation, suit choice, tanning, hair,
makeup, etc. is encompassed in this round.
Judges are looking for a lean, fit, muscular physique that is balanced and aesthetically pleasing. Athletes should be groomed properly, possess a pleasing muscle shape, good v-taper (highlighted by relatively wide shoulders and a small waist) and a well-developed mid-section are prominent in the judges’ criteria. Judges are not looking for the level of muscle mass or extreme leanness that are necessary for success in bodybuilding.
Змагання можуть проходити без розподілу на ранкову та вечірню частини (тобто спортсмени з’являються на сцені лише один раз і оцінюються протягом трьох послідовних раундів – одразу фінальна частина змагань), або із поділом на кваліфікаційну частину і вечірню (фінальну) частину змагань (спортсмени виходять на сцену двічі і оцінюються окремо: вранці та ввечері). Спортсмени повинні дотримуватись правил змагань залежно від попередньо встановленого формату проведення.
Competitions may take place as either a “Run Through” (Athletes appear on stage once and all rounds are judged) or “Prejudge and Evening Round” (Athletes appear on stage twice and are judged on two separate occasions; morning and evening). Athletes should follow the competition attire rules dependent on the show format.
All competitors will be barefoot. No posing trunks/briefs allowed. The shorts must be “board short” style shorts, and be loose fitting around the thighs. We prefer a block colour of your choice without too much patterning. Shorts must cover all of the thighs, and at most stop at (but not below) the knee. The waistband should fit no lower than 3 inches below the navel. A good example is displayed below.
Good strong V taper, capped shoulders, defined abs, tight Good level of conditioning but over lean, muscular, or hard or vascular physiques will be scored down
The overall appearance of the Stage presentation, suit choice, tanning, hair, makeup, etc. is encompassed in this round.
The information below outlines competitor’s poses for the Fitness and Physical Appearance rounds.
Posing will be conducted in four quarter turns (1/4) to the right. The head judge will guide competitors through this process.
- Competitors will face the
- Feet can be shoulder width or less apart or one leg extended to the side (but not in front or behind).
- Hips must face the A slight twist is allowed.
- Physique athletes shall have one hand on their hip on all quarter turns
- Lats should be
- Over-flexed posing and clenching of the fists is not preferred.
- Competitors’ hips must directly face the side of the stage you are facing
- Shoulders and upper body should be turned toward the judges in order to accentuate their V-taper and so the rear shoulder can be
- Your head shall be turned to look directly at the judges.
- Either leg can be extended to the rear with the heel raised o the floor..
- One arm shall hang down and the other hand shall be placed on the
- The calf of the extended leg should be tightened to show
- Competitors will face the back of the
- Feet will be shoulder width or less apart or one leg extended to the side
- Lats should be spread to display V-taper.
- Hands may be held at the sides momentarily but then transition to one hand on the hip.
Quarter turn transitions between poses are at the discretion of the athlete to show artistry and fluidity however any over exaggerated and distracting movements on stage will not be permitted and the head judge reserves the right to tell the competitor to hold their pose.
The Stage Walk is the competitor’s opportunity to further show their physique and stage presence and confidence to the judges. The Stage walk is 30 seconds from entry to exit. Competitors should execute the I- walk in a tasteful, confident manner.
You will execute the mandatory poses at the locations specified below (also please see below diagram):
The rules of the competition, the sequence of categories, nominations and the award procedure may change during the tournament itself for the purpose of more convenient organization and comfort of participants.