Federation of Natural Bodybuilding of Ukraine
Join the federation now!
We are happy to be a part of the most prestigious natural bodybuilding federation!

The oldest, most respected, and stringently tested Truly Natural drug free bodybuilding and physique organization since 1989!

We are so proud to represent WNBF in Ukraine!

wnbf 2024 tyrnir english - стисн-min

Our mission

To promote a healthy lifestyle, the ideals of natural bodybuilding and the principles of fair competition in accordance with the Olympic Charter and the rules of the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.

Compliance with the conditions of fair competition is an extremely important component! This principle is fundamental. Adherence to this principle will be carried out by a unique doping control platform, which will allow to hold competitions at the highest level!

Кожен атлет буде проходити поліграф-тестування перед змаганнями, а переможці проходитимуть допінг-контроль одразу після змагань.

Each of us has the right to choose the path that will best comply with the principles of life!

The practice of sport is a human right according to the basic principles of the Olympic Charter!

We created this federation in order to create an opportunity that has not existed throughout the history of Ukraine.

And now every athlete has that chance!