A First Timer is an athlete who has NEVER competed in any federation, any division or any class before.
A Junior athlete will be under 23. Athletes who are 23 years or older on the day of the competition are not eligible to compete in the junior class.
A Novice is an athlete who has never placed in the top 3 of a competition in any previous season.
Your status as a novice lasts the duration of a season. Athletes who have won a regional, national title, or competed internationally as a masters, bikini, fit body or bodybuilding competitor are not eligible to be considered a novice.
This is the open Bikini class. The division may be split into short and tall classes depending on the number of competitors. The division will be split as follows:
- Short, under 165 cm tall
- Tall, over 165 cm tall
Bikini is a “softer” and lighter muscled look than our other competitive classes with an emphasis on a fit, tight toned physique, especially in the legs and glutes
Bikini competition suits competitors who appear trained and athletic, but without muscular detail, separation and vascularity and whose level of muscle size is lower than those which would be rewarded in the Figure or Fit Body disciplines
The two rounds judged are:
Round 1 – Fitness & Balance
Round shoulders, defined abs, soft lines in legs, and tight glutes
Over lean, muscular, or hard or vascular physiques will be scored down
Round 2 – Physical Appearance/ Stage Walk
The overall appearance of the athlete. Stage presentation, suit choice, tanning, hair,
makeup, etc. is encompassed in this round.
Bikini is the “softest” and lightest of the female divisions. Competitors should have a look that emphasises a fit, tight toned physique, especially in the glutes and legs. Please see the model featured for an example of the bikini look.
Athletes displaying levels of muscularity (both muscle size and conditioning) that are more appropriate for Figure, Fit Body or Bodybuilding competition will be marked down by the judges. In these cases athletes may be better suited to the aforementioned classes.
Bikini is for competitors who appear trained and athletic, but without muscular detail, separation and vascularity and have a level of muscle size lower than that rewarded in the Figure or Fit Body disciplines.
Competitions may take place as either a “Run Through” (Athletes appear on stage once and all rounds are judged) or “Pre-Judge and Evening” format (Athletes appear on stage twice and are judged on two separate occasions, morning and evening). Athletes should follow the competition attire rules specified below depending on the show format.
In the bikini division athletes wear a two-piece bikini posing tied across the back suit. The top will tie straight across the back (not a crossover suit), the bottom is a bikini cut that flatters the athlete’s physique. “Thongs”, “Micro Cut”, “Scoop Cut”, or suits that do not provide moderate coverage are NOT allowed. “Brazilian” cut suits are preferred in the WNBF Ukraine..
• Multi colored or solid color
• Two-piece bikini. Fabric may be decorated, jewelry is permitted. studs, rhinestones, beads or appliques (sequins/glitter) are allowed. Designs may include connectors, straps and hip connectors.
High-heeled shoes are required. Height of the heel is at the discretion of the competitor however without an excessive platform (no more than 1cm inch) the WNBF Ukraine prefers a no platform classical heel. So the ball of the foot and toes are flush or close to flush with the floor. A good example of these can be found below.
Jewellery is permitted; body jewellery (piercing) is allowed, so long as it is not offensive. Other jewellery (earrings, necklace, bracelets) may be worn, but should not obscure the physique or be in poor taste.

Усі спортсмени повинні уважно слухати команди головного судді. Головний суддя змагань буде викликати колаути* атлетів та називати відповідний номер. Кожен колаут буде оцінюватись згідно обов’язкових позицій конкретної категорії суддівською колегією. Номер учасника – ідентифікатор, згідно якого головний суддя буде формувати кожен колаут. Тому важливо, щоб кожен спортсмен запам’ятав свій номер українською та англійською, оскільки на міжнародних змаганнях назви позицій та номери учасників будуть оголошуватись англійською мовою.
Неспортивна поведінка у вигляді ударів та штовхання ліктями, ненормативної лексики та створення додаткової переваги над іншими атлетами (вихід за межі встановленої лінії категорії) буде каратись попередженням. Невиконання вказівок або повторне порушення призведе до втрати балів та потенційної дискваліфікації.
*Колаут – це визначений перелік атлетів, які викликаються для порівнянь та виконання обов’язкових позицій. Зазвичай, колаут містить від 5 до 7 атлетів у лінійці. Спортсмени, які розташовуються у центральній частині відповідного колауту вважаються фаворитами.
Усі бали у Раундах 1 та 2 (Спортивний вигляд та баланс, Зовнішній вигляд та дефіле) формують кінцевий результат та набрану суму балів.
- Round shoulders, defined abs, soft lines in legs, and tight glutes
- Overly lean, muscular, or hard or vascular physiques will be scored down
The overall appearance of the athlete. Stage presentation, suit choice, tanning, hair, makeup, etc. is encompassed in this round.
The information below outlines competitor’s poses for the Fitness and Physical Appearance rounds.
Face front:
- Hips facing forwards and toes shall be positioned forward ( a slight turn out of the toes is acceptable).
- A slight twist is allowed as long as both hips and shoulders are visible from the
- One leg is extended to the Either leg is acceptable.
- One hand must be on the hip, the other arm should hang down below the hips (not extended to the side). Arms should not be raised or spread wide impeding in another competitor’s space next to you.
- Lats should be open but not overly flared as in
Quarter turn to the right From the front. Competitors execute a 1/4 turn to the right and adjust stance:
- Upper body turned 35 degrees towards the judges, so the rear shoulder can be
- The hips face the side of the stage; you may twist your shoulders towards the Turn your head and look directly at the audience/judges.
- The front foot may be o A lift of the heel onto the toe is permitted.
- Long hair should be pushed back behind the
- One hand is placed on the hip, the other hanging
Face back of stage From the side pose, competitors execute a 1/4 turn to the right and face the rear of the stage.
- Heels can either be together or spaced less than shoulder width Weight can be centered or shifted to either side.
- Arm position is optional and can include arms down, or arms placed at top of One hand on the hip does not apply in the back pose.
- Lats will be open but not over flared to show upper body shape
- Hair should be pushed to the front to show the
- At no time during the rear stance is a competitor permitted to turn their head to look at the
- Standing in a wide straddle or bending over excessively is not permitted and will be scored
- At any time if competitors posing does not meet the criteria the head judge will issue a general If It is not corrected they may call the specific athlete number to correct an issue. If the competitor still does not correct an issue the competitor may be scored down.
Quarter turn to the right – Same as first side pose.
Quarter turn transitions between poses are at the discretion of the athlete to show artistry and fluidity, however any over exaggerated and distracting movements on stage will not be permitted and the head judge reserves the right to tell the competitor to hold their pose.
The Stage Walk is the competitor’s opportunity to further show their physique and stage presence, grace, poise and confidence to the judges. The Stage walk is 30 seconds from entry to exit. Competitors should execute the I- walk in a tasteful, confident manner. Over exaggerated posing or performance outside bikini division (bodybuilding poses, gymnastic moves, etc.) will be scored down.